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Week 9 Lockdown

22 May 2020 (by Chris Taylor (C Taylor))

To our wonderful school community

As you know, school leaders and governors have been working to develop a model for the safe wider opening of school. Whilst we are very keen to welcome more children back to school, there is a large amount of planning to do before we can do this. Therefore, the provision in school will remain as it is, at least for the next 2 weeks.

We propose to start inviting a small number of children back to school from the 8th June, provided that we can demonstrate through risk assessments, a range of additional documentation and guidance to staff and pupils that the school can open safely. Additionally, we will also need approval of this from our various teaching unions, governors and the local authority. As this is only a proposal, this date is subject to change. However, we will do everything within our power to avoid that from happening.

We will do everything we can to make sure that your children, staff, you and the community remain safe. The limited scientific evidence suggests that whilst children may not be as at risk as adults in developing serious symptoms, they can still get Coronavirus and can still infect other, more vulnerable people. As most children have been protected from exposure to the virus since March 23rd the scientific base for this evidence is small and therefore not yet wholly reliable.

Attached to this letter is a short briefing to listen to that outlines the school’s plans for a wider reopening. We would appreciate that you take time to absorb the information and respond to a survey based on the information provided. You do not have to send your child back to school. You will not receive a fine if your child does not return to school before September. The survey will be sent to you towards the end of next week.

I have been immensely proud of the online learning our teaching staff have provided already and, should we open more widely, this provision will continue, but in a reduced capacity. School will be closed to all teaching staff throughout half term. This includes all remote learning, to give them a chance to take stock of what we've achieved since school took on a different look on the 20th March, to recharge their batteries and be as well placed as possible to take on the challenges of the new phase in June and beyond. School will however remain open during half term to children of Key Worker families and will be ably supported by our amazing support staff; I will also be onsite.

Friday is upon us again and we have made it halfway through the Summer Term! It feels so sad that we have not had the opportunity to all be together in school this half term. I would again like to reiterate that we all want your children back in school sooner rather than later – we have missed them immensely and to welcome any of them back at any point before the end of the academic year is going to be wonderful.

If we think back to the start of lockdown and how the level of uncertainty that was in front of us then has now passed; we are now entering into a different period of uncertainty and that will pass too. Every situation in life is temporary and when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on their way.

It looks like we are in for a warm week ahead; enjoy the sunshine, remain safe, fit and well.


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