The Wider Curriculum
The education of the children extends well beyond the classroom. Forest school is a feature across the whole school - every class experiences outdoor learning for 2 half terms each year. We offer an excellent range of extra-curricular clubs including dance, drama, violin, multi-sports, Tennis and football. Teachers organise regular educational visits for their children to support their learning. We compete in partnership sports’ competitions and offer enrichment and cultural events within the city.
Special Weeks
In addition to the taught curriculum, the year is enriched by many focus weeks and days where children have the opportunity to be immersed in a particular themed area. These include: The Arts and Wellbeing Week, Friendship Week, Gypsy Roma Traveller Week , World Book Day, Outdoor Learning Days.
Talking does not just involve speaking. At Patcham Infant School and Nursery Class we also use gestures and signs which promote and stimulate speech development and give extra information which can be seen.
Peer Massage
Peer Massage is proving to be an enormously beneficial programme within the school. The children take part in regular 15 minute massage sessions. They are seated in chairs and wear their normal clothes. Massage is given to each other on the back, head, arms and hands. A protocol of mutual respect lies at the core of Peer Massage. Peer Massage encourages calm behaviour, enhances self-confidence, and develops concentration and well-being; respect for themselves and for other children grows.
Children also take part in short Relax-a-Kids meditation stories to prepare them for learning.
Children take part in regular storytelling yoga sessions with the Headteacher.